The Top 5 Signs Your Power Steering Rack Needs Replacement


Your car’s power steering system is responsible for easy and stress-free steering. One of the critical components of your vehicle’s power steering system is the power steering rack. The rack and pinion steering system is commonly found in most vehicles as it offers a more direct and precise feel when driving.

However, like all other car parts, power steering racks undergo natural wear and tear over time. The rack and pinion steering system usually lasts up to 100,000 miles, but it can wear out even earlier.

In this blog, we will discuss the top 5 signs that your power steering rack needs replacement.

Steering wheel stiffness or difficulty in steering

Difficulty in steering the vehicle is one of the vital signs that your power steering rack needs replacement. The power steering rack plays a crucial role in reducing the effort needed to turn the steering wheel, making it easier for drivers to control their vehicles with minimal effort. If you notice stiffness or difficulty in steering, it indicates that the power steering rack is not functioning as it should, and you should get it checked by a professional mechanic.

Strange noises when steering

A properly functioning power steering rack should not produce any sounds when you steer your vehicle. However, if you hear any unusual noises, such as whining, squealing, clunking, or knocking sounds when turning your steering wheel, it is undoubtedly a sign that your car’s power steering rack is malfunctioning and requires replacement.

Leaking power steering fluid

Power steering fluid is vital to the efficient operation of the power steering rack. If you see any signs of fluid loss or leakage, such as wet spots beneath your car or a low power steering fluid level, it may indicate a leaking power steering rack. A low level of power steering fluid can cause the power steering pump to work harder, leading to further damage.

Uneven tire wear

A properly functioning power steering rack helps to maintain the alignment of your vehicle’s wheels. If you find uneven wear on your tires or find that they wear out much quicker than usual, it may indicate that the Power Steering Rack is not working correctly. Uneven tire wear can also signify that your car’s steering and suspension are out of alignment.

Burning smell

If you notice a burning smell coming from your car, it could indicate that the power steering system has seized up due to the failure of the power steering rack. A seized power steering system will cause your car’s engine to work harder to maintain the desired speed, generating more heat than normal, and leading to a burning smell.


Your power steering system is a complex system that plays a critical role in ensuring the efficient functioning of your vehicle. If you notice any of the signs we’ve discussed above, it is important to get your vehicle inspected by a professional mechanic as soon as possible to avoid further damage or accidents. Regular maintenance and inspection can help detect issues and ensure that your power steering system and other car components stay in good working condition, ensuring the longevity of your vehicle.


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