Revealing All About Closure Wigs


A hair accessory made up of artificial or human hair is a closure wig. People around the globe use these types of hairpieces as a style statement. Moreover, these are accustomed to summing up the volume and density of natural hair.

Nevertheless, to style this wig, it’s necessary to tie neat braids so that the closures can easily be clipped on natural hair. However, no adhesive or glue is required to attach the hair accessory to the natural hair.

Types of Closure Wigs

Lace Closure Wig

It’s one of the types of hair pieces which should be tied individually into the natural hair. In a lace closure wig, the wearer has to part the hair properly so that the accessory clips can be fastened easily.

Silk Closure Wig

This type of closure concocts a delusion of the scalp. Moreover, the fabric of the silk closure wig is square-shaped to which the synthetic hair is attached. The silk closure wigs are much more flexible and smoothly integrated with natural hair and thus don’t exert pressure on your wallet.

Mono Top Closure Wig

This type of hair accessory pretends like natural hair growing from the scalp. Nonetheless, this wig looks more efficient, like natural hair. It also mimics the hair that has thrived readily from the crown area.

How to Wear and Care for a Closure Wig?

Preparing the Hair for a Closure Wig

Detangling The Hair

The first step before wearing the closure wig is to detangle the hair carefully. Moreover, clean and detangled hair initiates an allowance for the next step.

Tying The Hair Into Braids

After detangling the clean hair, the next step should be trying braids. Neat braids entitle the closure clips to get affixed to the hair quickly and reduce the fix to falling off.

Wearing Wig Cap

However, after affixing the braids, the wearer has to water a wig cap for more security and a natural look. The wig cap encircles the entire hair and secures the braids.

Installing a Closure Wig

Clipping The Closure Wig

The closure wig should be clipped very carefully concerning the hairline. A new version of closure wigs is introduced, which can be smoothly affixed with the wig cap or the natural scalp.

Usage Of Any Adhesive

Sometimes the wearers also prefer using adhesives to stick their wigs with the scalp or the hairline. However, adhesives are mainly avoided as they may cause skin infections.

Maintaining & Cleaning


After using the closure wig, gentle detangling is essential. Detangling avoids any wig hair breakage and also furnishes a long-term service to the wearer.

Washing And Brushing Properly

On the other hand, if you want to wash your wig. Then proffer using a mild and paraben-free shampoo to wash this hair accessory thoroughly. Nevertheless, gently brush the dried wig for a smooth and silky texture.

Using Correct Products For Styling

It’s essential to use any effective heat protectant before taking advantage of fine heat-styling products. Moreover, ceramic or titanium plate heat-styling products should be deemed in this subject.


Closure wigs are put together in different types and textures of hair so people can utilize them according to their desire. Hairsmarket is one such brand that delivers all possible varieties of closure wigs for its clients.


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